Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

Ania Lisewska Wants To Have Sex With 100,000 Men

Ania Lisewska, a 21-year-old woman from Warsaw, Poland is allegedly trying to travel to every city in the world so that she can have sex with at least 100,000 men for twenty minutes each.
According to my calculations, that’s just over 1388 days worth of sex.
Why is Ania Lisewska trying to have sex with more than 100,000 men? She told the Austrian Times that, “I want men from Poland, Europe and all around the world. I love sex, fun and men. In Poland the subject of sex is still taboo and anyone who wants to fulfill their sexual fantasies is considered a deviant, a whore or mentally ill.”
Well…that certainly sounds like a noble cause. No one should feel like a deviant, whore, or mentally ill because of sexual fantasies. However, having sex with 100,000 men sounds a little excessive. How can you assure your own safety and health when you’re trying to sleep with more than 100,000 men?
Ania Lisewska’s sexual marathon started last month and so far she’s allegedly already slept with more than 284 men, much to the dismay of her boyfriend.
If Ania Lisewska were to have sex with 100,000 men for twenty minutes each non-stop, it would take her 3.8 years to reach her goal. Since this is not physically possible and she’s limiting her sexual encounters to weekends, it could take her roughly twenty years to reach the 100,000 goal.
If you want to try and help Ms Lisewska reach her goal, you can visit her website or her Facebook page.
Mind you, always be cautious when organizing free sex over the internet. You don’t want to get robbed.
And for God’s sakes, please, if you’re going to have sex with Ania Lisewska, wear a condom!

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